What is the Learning Partners program?
The Learning Partners Program’s goal is to help the student learn. The emphasis is on teaching learning-strategies more than content tutoring. Learning Partners is an optional fee-based program available to students with documented learning differences, attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Learning Partners has helped many students develop self-advocacy, build stronger learning strategies, and develop math, reading, and writing skills that are critical to college success. Learning Partners is the most helpful to students who have a high level of internal motivation to succeed in college academics.
I just want to request classroom or testing accommodations. Do I have to enroll in Learning Partners to receive accommodations?
No. Accommodations are provided free of charge and are the right of all students who have properly documented ADA-recognized disabilities. Learning Partners is an optional, fee-based program available to students with a documented learning difference.
Is financial aid available to cover the cost of these programs?
Yes. For students who choose to enroll in the Learning Partners Program, costs are included in the tuition consideration when calculating a total financial aid package. Students who wish to apply for financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office or call (919) 497-1100.
Students requiring financial aid are encouraged to complete the Learning Partners enrollment process as soon as possible so that program costs will be included in their financial aid package. Students enrolling in the Learning Partners Program after they have received their initial financial aid letter should contact the Financial Aid Office.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their local county office of North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation. Vocational Rehabilitation is a tremendous resource of support and services and, for qualifying individuals, can provide financial support for up to $5000 of the Learning Partners cost, as well as support for other college expenses.
What can I do to maintain the same IEP/504 Plan and accommodations that I had in high school?
High schools do not automatically forward IEP/ 504 Plans to colleges. The government bases IEP or 504 Plans on a law that does not cover colleges, so while helpful in understanding the impact of disabilities in the classroom, they do not necessarily qualify students for accommodations at college. To learn what information a college needs to document a specific disability see How to Qualify for Accessibility Services.
What do I have to do to receive accommodations?
Students can request accommodations by scheduling a meeting with the Accessibility Services Office and completing the Request for Accommodations Form. Students may call (919) 497-3278, or email to make an appointment.
Louisburg College asks students to submit appropriate documentation of a disability before they meet with the accessibility services program. Lack of appropriation documentation slows the process of determining reasonable accommodations. Also, note the college reviews accommodations each semester. Students need to schedule an appointment with the Director of Learning Partners at the beginning of each semester to review accommodations and update disclosure release forms so that the release applies to a student’s new set of instructors.
Can my parents set up accommodations for me?
Students are responsible for pursuing eligibility with the Accessibility Services Office. However, parents may contact the Accessibility Services Office and request that the director contact their child to explain Accessibility Services and invite them to make an appointment.
At the college level, the law requires the student to take the responsibility for self-identifying, submitting proper documentation of a disability, requesting and discussing accommodations, and alerting faculty and or the Director of Learning Partners if accommodations are not satisfactory. The small setting and supportive faculty at Louisburg College make it an ideal place for students to transition into roles of greater responsibility.
I know extended testing time would help me do my best on tests, but I don’t want to be singled out. What should I do?
You may be hesitant to request accommodations because of negative experiences in the past, but at Louisburg College, Accessibility Services allows students an extra measure of privacy and control in using their accommodations.
Please consider the following:
Louisburg College accepts all students under the same set of admissions standards. To graduate from Louisburg College all students must complete the same number of classes in their respective degree path.
Accessibility accommodations in college are very different from K-12 schools because there are specific laws that apply to different age groups. In college, the law considers students to be adults, and all of their disability information is confidential. To have information released a student has to sign a detailed disclosure form about his or her learning needs. The law also requires faculty members informed of accommodation needs to keep this information confidential. A student can discuss with each professor and decide upon a mutually agreeable way to handle accommodations, such as extended time, without bringing attention to themselves in the class.
Our professors are glad to work with students to discuss their learning differences. They respect students who are willing to endeavor to ensure they are doing their absolute best in college. Professors have learned that these students tend to be hard workers who take their courses seriously and are just as likely – if not more so – to excel as their classmates who have not requested accommodations."
I want to start college without receiving any accommodations to see if I can make it on my own. If I change my mind, can I request accommodations at any time during the semester?
The process for qualifying for accommodations can take some time so students are strongly encouraged to register with Accessibility Services before the beginning of the semester. You still have the option throughout the semester to use or not use the accommodations for which you qualify. For example, a student with a learning disability may qualify for an extended testing time in all classes but only choose to use it in one particular course.